ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream


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Before we introduce our product, let’s look at our happy customers.
Congrats on the success!

—Meghan Moore—37, Phoenix, Arizona

ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream

“I have been using ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream for about 2 months now and I can honestly say that it has helped me a lot. I am not a big girl, but I have fat marks on my body and I have been trying to get rid of them for years. But after just a few days, my skin started to feel tighter and the fat marks were almost gone! It also makes my skin feel really smooth and it smells really nice too.”

—Hannah Simson— 29, Queen, New York

How to treat cellulite with Onda Coolwaves

“It is a very pleasant experience to purchase this product. My skin was looking very dull and tired due to my daily work schedule. I had tried several other brands that claimed their products can help solve my problems but was not satisfied with the results. I started using ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream for about 2 weeks now and noticed the difference right after the first use. The dead cells on my skin were peeled off slowly and my skin has become more elastic and tight.”

ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream

The Main Cause of Sagging Skin and Cellulite: Loss of Collagen

  1. Loose, sagging skin is a sign of a lack of collagen.

As we age, sun exposure and gravity reduce the amount of collagen in our skin. As a result, our skin becomes less elastic and more prone to sagging. ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream contains collagen that helps to rebuild the structure of your skin so that it becomes tighter and firmer.

How to Prevent Collagen Loss as You Age - Prejuvenation

ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream

  1. To prevent the formation of cellulite, it is essential to increase collagen content in the skin.

Cellulite, a skin condition that produces lumps and small indentations on the thighs, buttocks, hips, and abdomen, is a common side effect of aging or weight gain. As our skin loses elasticity over time and releases less collagen, it becomes more noticeable in our bodies. ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream contains a powerful botanical complex that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in skin cells, resulting in stronger, healthier skin texture.

ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream

Experts (Doctors) Recommended

Dr. Jennifer is a board-certified dermatologist with over 10 years of experience treating skin conditions. Dr. Jennifer recommends ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream for those who want to relieve many types of skin problems without the side effects caused by many products on the market today. Made from 100% natural plant extracts and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin, this product can effectively improve your skin’s appearance.

Key ingredients of ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream

  1. Mangifera Indica Extract:

Mangifera Indica Extract contains a type of antioxidant, which may help protect your body from cellular damage. It is also a good source of vitamins E, A, and C, all of which act as antioxidants in your body by reducing the oxidation of skin cells. The naturally occurring antioxidants in Mangifera Indica Extract have the potential to reduce signs of sun damage by reducing the oxidation of your skin cells.

Medically reviewed by Sara Perkins, MD

ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream

  1. Ginger Root Extract:

Ginger can give you glowing skin. It not only gives you healthy and glowing skin but also helps tighten it, fights the signs of aging, and fights toxins that can lead to wrinkles. Ginger has many benefits for the skin and is a rejuvenator that helps reduce signs of aging, flushes out toxins, evens out skin tones, promotes hair growth, and leads to more blood circulation.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Elizabeth Mullans, a board-certified dermatologist at Uptown Dermatology in Houston, Texas

Ginger Root, 1 pound

  1. Centella Asiatica Extract:

Centella Asiatica has been found to increase the production of collagen, particularly type I collagen, in studies on wound healing. As skin produces less collagen as it ages and type I collagen is an important component of youthful skin, this study suggested that Centella asiatica may have anti-aging properties.

Medically reviewed by Bylka, W., (2013). ‘Centella Asiatica in cosmetology’, Postepy Dermatol Alergol

Centella Asiatica: Uses, Benefits and Risks – Minimalist

  1. Hamamelis Virginia Extract:

Hamamelis Virginiana Extract helps soothe skin with mild irritation or redness, as well as decreases any inflammation. It also loosens dead skin cells, dirt, or dust from the surface of the skin and takes away moisture-tangled dead bacteria. In addition, it shrinks the size of skin cells and tightens pores in the epidermal layer of skin.

Medically reviewed by Danielle Hildreth, RN, CPT — By Zia Sherrell, MPH

ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream

Unique features of ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream:

  • It will provide you with a bigger butt, and fuller-looking hips
  • Reduce cellulite, and make your skin smooth
  • Activate the breast tissue
  • Promoting breast development and enlarging the breast.
  • Increase breast volume and improve feminine curves
  • Restores plumpness of the butt
  • Improve flabby, sagging, and flat buttock
  • Promotes the growth of buttock muscles
  • Sagging abdominal elasticity improvement
  • Skin shine improvement
  • Assists in burning those extra calories
  • Eliminate those unwanted calories
  • Reduce the appearance of stubborn belly fat

How to use:

  1. Apply 2 to 3 drops of the essential oil to the area to be treated.
  2. Massage gently in circular motions until fully absorbed
  3. Use twice a day in the morning and before bed for best results
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ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream
ATTDX SkinFirming BodyReshape Cream
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